Monday 29 December 2014

Quotes on Deadlines

If there are any guarantees in life... there are usually two that are mentioned: death and taxes. I would like to add a third one to the list: deadlines. Whether in a job or at home, we are usually tasked with meeting some type of deadline, professional or personal. However, deadlines usually have a negative connotation associated to them. On the flip side, you can use them to your advantage. Look at them as goals with a date attached to them. And watch how empowered you become by meeting them.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Stereotactic Radiosurgery - The Best Treatment Method for Brain Tumors!

Brain tumors occur when uncontrolled growth of cells forms a lump in the brain. Brain tumors, just like cancer can grow and spread to any other part of the body. Its symptoms mainly depend on where it is located and how big it is. Complete removal of the tumor is so far the best-known treatment for brain tumors.