Thursday 26 March 2015

Why Digital Diagnosis can be a Problem

An increasing number of people are going online looking for medical information. Some go so far as to get a digital diagnosis through a website. Going online for this information is a potentially very dangerous and ineffective way to deal with any health issues you are experiencing. You need to understand why a digital diagnosis can be a problem.

Context and History Matter

Any good medical diagnosis relies on context and history in order to make sense of your symptoms. A digital diagnosis done online does not always take context and history into consideration. This is especially true with narrow automated diagnostic sites or when self-diagnosing. Your medical history, experiences and lifestyle choices can all dramatically change the outcome of a diagnosis.

You Cannot Always Accurately Identify Your Symptoms

Another major problem is that you cannot always accurately identify your symptoms. You might be ignoring or exaggerating symptoms. You could be misinterpreting symptoms altogether. An online diagnosis cannot talk back or ask for clarification. This is why going to a real doctor for a diagnosis is so important. A doctor can ask questions in order to isolate the real symptoms you are experiencing.

Online Sources Can Be Inaccurate, Biased or Outdated

It is important to keep in mind that online sources can be inaccurate, biased or outdated. Some online diagnostic sites are run by pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers or advocacy groups. Others are operated by people with little medical training or conspiracy theorists. It can be difficult to figure out what online sources are reliable. It is always better to see a live medical professional.

Physical Examinations and Tests Are Necessary For an Accurate Diagnosis

The simple reality is that a physical examination and medical tests are always required in order get an accurate diagnosis. A doctor or other medical professional must see and sometimes feel different parts of your body in order to determine if there is unusual inflammation, pain or other anomalies. A digital diagnosis cannot do this. A digital diagnosis relies completely on just what you can describe. Doctors can explore and perform tests in order to rule out problems or determine exactly what is wrong.

A Digital Misdiagnosis Can Be Dangerous or Fatal

A final problem with a digital diagnosis is that getting the wrong result could be very dangerous or fatal. A misdiagnosis could lead you to seek out treatments that will be detrimental to your health. The wrong diagnosis could also cause you to ignore a serious problem that is going undetected in your body. Both of these situations can be very harmful or could result in death.

Dr. Gil Lederman, one of the pioneers of radio surgery and first in America, warns the problems of digital diagnosis

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